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Design of Learning Environment

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Online Learning


This paper illustrates online learning that focuses on engagement, assessment, and blended learning.



The artifact shows my theoretical understanding of the learning environment through its application of student’s engagement and assessments. To accomplish this task, I evaluated the different components of online learning and provided a holistic view of blended learning. 


Demonstrated AECT Standards

Standard 1: Content Knowledge

Standard 4: Learning Environments 

Standard 5: Research

Game-Based Learning


This paper presents a minuscule treatise of Game-Based Learning that offers (1) the evolution of history and (2) the lack of females participating in game-based design. 



This research demonstrates my knowledge of the paradigm shift from the traditional way of teaching through digital means to educate students. This artifact also advances my theoretical learning that reflects Game-based learning direct benefits to motivation, engagement, and exploration in a learning environment. 


Demonstrated AECT Standards

Standard 1: Content Knowledge

Standard 4: Learning Environments 

Standard 5: Research

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